Ceforcivil | Projeto Nº CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-002792
Apoio no Âmbito dos Vales Inovação

Designation: SST Eletronic Platform and Safety Food

Total Eligible Cost: 19.700€

Financial Support: 75% (14.775€)

Central Region Operation Program

PO Priority Axis: 2-Competitividade e Internacionalização da Economia Regional (COMPETIR)

Thematic Objective: 03 - Reinforce competitivity for small and medium sized companies

Investment Priority 03 – Granting support for the creation and extension of advanced skills for the development of products and services.

Scheduling and Execution: September 2015 - September 2016

Project Summary: The main goal of this project is the consulting for the development of a platform that can integrate the company in the digital economy.

The system developed for Ceforcivil satisfies:

  • Specific characteristics about the strategy and about the market on which the company is inserted;
  • Implemented business processes or ones being developed;
  • Organizational structure and Human Resources;
  • Integration in the digital economy, compatible with the company’s systems, promoting innovation and differenciation.
The concretization of these goals has been initiated by a detailed diagnosis about the business, to allow an alignment between the Information Systems and the developed processes. Another concern addressed was the guaranteed quality of the information that was avaliable in the platform. Our approach was based in agile development, testing and implementation of a new digital platform for Ceforcivil.
Ceforcivil 2016