Ceforcivil | Projeto Nº CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-027900
Apoio no Âmbito dos Vales Oportunidades de Investigação

Designação: Wearable4Safety

Total Eligible Cost: 20.000€

Financial Support: 75% (15.000 €)

PO Priority Axis: 1-Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (IDEIAS)

Thematic Objective: 01-Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Investment Priority 02-The investment promotion [...] from companies regarding I&D, connection development and synergy between companies, I&D centers and higher education (...)

Scheduling and Execution: September 2017 - September 2018

Project Summary: investigation opportunities for wearable technologies, focusing on work health and safety (OSH). This project aims to evaluate technologies, establish investigation strategies and obtain technical assistance for short-term actions.
The initial phase of this project consists in a literature review and project analysis about this field, on an international and national scale. Subsequently, we identify technologies with potential applications on a legal and normative domain, and elaborate plans of action to incorporate data collection technology based on sensors and mobile devices. The project includes technical assistance on counseling, monitoring and validation for the OSH service implementation.
The essencial results are (1) the evaluation of I&D opportunities for the OSH oriented wearables, in regards of personal, space and prevention monitoring, (2) I&D strategy that allows new OSH systems to be used in the current regulatory framework, replacing or complementing traditional systems, and (3) short-term actions to adopt wearables and validate their results, in a controlled manner, contrasting with real data.
The results we want to achieve consist on a internacionalization strategy and preparatory actions regarding OSH services, aiming towards international markets.
Ceforcivil 2017